The Imbalance of Balance

The same holds true for the Middle East. The sides are too balanced, too similar in strength, for peace and stability to be achieved. On one side - Israel. Technologically super-bright. A nation of geek geniuses. A country that has brought the world wonderful advances in agriculture and science, despite its small size. The place that invented the kibbutz and now, its heir, the "yishuv kehilati." Home to wonderful communities where religious Jews work and pray and live a moral, healthy life. A leader in medicine and emergency rescue. Abode of the Merkava and the best air force pilots in the world. But tiny. Tiny.
On the other - the Arab-Muslim Middle East. A lugubrious mammoth with relatively low abilities in the field of science and invention, other than the buzzing prayer rug of course. An ocean of poverty, spicy souks, misogyny and terrible driving. But also - a humungous population with great oil wealth and a fierce sense of pride, mortally injured by the Yid's presence and our ability to knock them to the ground in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and 1982. Tens of millions of men in mustaches want us dead, and they are growing crazier and more religious by the minute.
This is a balance: a small, talented, high-tech, reasonable Jew versus 20 big low-tech, religiously zealous Arabs. And that is why the Middle East is so unstable.
Can a less balanced Middle East emerge? Can there be a decisive victory over the Arab Muslim Middle East?
Take a look at the map attached, folks. Imagine a blitz campaign in which Israel takes all the territory marked in orange, with the help of allies like India, and perhaps some sub-Saharan African countries which we train and advise. Is it possible? I guess not. But was the Six Day War possible? The Entebbe raid? 1948? Imagine us with those borders, with oil wealth and Jewish genius. And imagine the Arab Muslims back in Arabia, with little territory to the north of Mecca and Medina. That would be stable! Maybe not possible, but worth dreaming about.
Labels: Gil Ronen, Israel's Borders, Neo-Zionism

At 2:44 PM ,
Ze'ev said...
Gil, nice map.
I think it might even be more generous than the maximalist opinions as to the future borders of the Land / State of Israel.
But who's complaining?
At 8:38 PM ,
Unknown said...
yo, I like your dreams,,, keep em' up :)
At 11:25 PM ,
Ezra said...
Ze'ev, based on the Pikuach Nefesh psak of Rav Ovadia that uprooted Biblical precepts for the sake of saving lives, certainly Gil's map would fall under a similar rubric under today's circumstances. I mean, does anyone have a better solution?
Has anything but liberation and occupation brought real peace?
By the way. I hope no Muslims see this, print it out, hand it to their Imam and thereby spark riots all over Europe - but I will let everyone in on a little secret notwithstanding. I was walking past a room on a secret IDF base that I happened to be on just because my commander had to drop a Jewish ISM informant off there once, and I walked in on a meeting (while looking for the Water Closet) where they had this exact map up, with arrows and markings. They seemed pretty serious.
I guess it is stage two after that dig we are doing up against the Temple Mount. You guys all know about that, right? They say that once the dirt path is removed this cornerstone that supports the entire Al-Aksa is gonna give way and Al-Aksa is gonna crumble. It was apparently Lieberman's condition for joining the coalition. Go figure. Exciting times.
At 10:33 AM ,
Anonymous said...
As what you said it's just your dreams and not even farther than that point.
5 or 10 millions even 20M of Israily over the world will not give upper hand on middle east or saudi arabia with 1 Billion of Muslims and allies "exclude Iran they are not allies for us"
India couldn't take care for Pakistan alone yet while both of them has nuclear weapons.
1948, 1956, 1967 .. etc
During that time we couldn't investment the oil in the best way .. but now we could defend our country from the thief of lands.
Best wishes for you with Iranian ambition
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