Ashkelon Power Plant Employees Told Not to Gather in Groups
From Israel National News
- Concern over a possible Kassam rocket attack on the Rotenberg Power Station in southern Ashkelon has led to new guidelines at the plant: Not to walk in groups or to eat together in the dining rooms.
A Rotenberg spokesman has confirmed that the new guidelines have indeed been issued. The reason for the new policy is the management's fear that a Kassam rocket might hit the plant. [and thereby injure a large group of people, instead of individuals - ed.]
The station supplies a quarter of Israel's electricity. It is widely felt that a direct rocket hit on the plant, and especially one with casualties, would lead to public demands for a military entry and operation in Gaza.
Approximately three Kassams have hit the area in or very close to the Rotenberg plant in recent weeks. One building was damaged.
The Ministry of Education recently issued a directive forbidding school trips to the power station and other sensitive installations north of Gaza - for reasons of Kassam-related threats.
In the same vein, due to danger, Jews should not congregate in any single place, especially a single country. We would be best off if the Jewish people would be totally spread out, spread far and wide in every corner of the world. To keep ourselves alive, we should disassociate from each other altogether!
Union, congregation, togetherness - this is our strength. G-d has brought us back to our Land, and has given us ability to fight our enemies. Our only real weakness is our division - the fact that half the Jews of the world CHOOSE to disregard Israel.
It is time to reverse this dark tide. The Rotenberg Power Station should lobby the authorities to fight back against rocket attacks and destroy those who seek to destroy us. But asking Jews to distance themselves from other Jews - that is a sin.
Our retort to the enemy should be clear. As the Baal Shem-Tov said: "Fear Only G-d, and Love Every Jew."
For American Jews Aliyah is the true mark of solidarity with the Jewish people. Aliyah is togetherness. Aliyah will inspire Israel.
Aliyah is the anti-fear!

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