Halkin Rejects Advice From American Jews, Who Have Rejected Israel

Though taking faulty demographic data for granted, pretending American Aliyah is a lost cause and making believe that the demographic woes of Israel will somehow go anywhere through withdrawal, "Letters To an American Jewish Friend" author Hillel Halkin rages at right-wingers in America who expect Israelis not to reject a land they, as American Jews, have already rejected by choosing America. You needn't have read him in the past to appreciate that he writes with a smile. Too good not to quote and link to:
...Well, I'll admit it. I don't particularly hate Arabs, even if I sometimes find myself wishing that they lived in another part of the world. I'll tell you whom I do hate, though. It's the Jews who want me to go on fighting Arabs forever while they cheer me on from their apartments in Brooklyn...
...It would be bad enough if it were just a question of morality - which of course it is. I can violently disagree with a fellow Israeli on matters of public policy while respecting his right to his opinion, because I know that, regardless of who is right and who is wrong, we will both have to bear the consequences of whatever this country does. For a Jew to sit on the sidelines and give strident advice, however, when the consequences of taking it have to be borne entirely by other Jews, is vile. What kind of person urges risks on the members of his family while refusing to run any of them himself?...
...The left-wing American Jew, in urging Israel to withdraw from all the territories, is counseling it to take a course of action that would alleviate its demographic problem. While he himself is not willing to immigrate here, or to call upon others Jews to do so, he at least is saying to Israelis: "Take my advice and you will not need immigrants, because by withdrawing to the 1967 borders you will have struck a viable population balance between Jews and Arabs and will be able to do without me."
But the right-wing American Jew is doing the opposite. As a territorial maximalist who opposes any withdrawal from the territories, he is counseling Israel to pursue a path that will make its demographic problem frighteningly acute. If his advice were followed, the only thing that could possibly save us from demographic disaster (although the prospects would not be bright then, either) would be the massive immigration of Jews from the Diaspora - which, given the current distribution of Diaspora Jewry, could only mean a massive immigration from the United States.
And yet our right-wing friend does not want to immigrate to Israel - he likes living in Brooklyn! He wants to be there while telling us here to adopt policies that will put an end to Israel as a Jewish state unless millions of Jews move here - millions of Jews for whom he has not the slightest intention of setting an example.
Imagine a country that is at war. Imagine someone who constantly criticizes the way it is fighting that war. Imagine that he mocks it for not fighting aggressively enough, for not fighting ruthlessly enough, for holding its army back. Imagine that he is constantly griping that the army itself is afraid to take casualties, that it is fighting too defensively, that it should be throwing more soldiers into battle. Imagine that he proclaims that it must never retreat and that anything short of total victory is disgraceful surrender. And now imagine that he is? a draft dodger, hiding from that war under his bed.
That's our American super-Jew. And now you'll have to excuse me. I've just gotten another e-mail....
click here for full article
UPDATE: First two Talkbalks on Jpost:
Hate is a strong word, Hillel
Scott - USA
02/17/2006 18:57
Thank you Hillel, for admitting that you hate us, that "right wing" (I think you mean to say, Orthodox) American Jew. In your next column, perhaps you can talk about how you also hate Orthodox Israeli Jews, just to bring your personality full circle for the reader. The fact is that North American aliyah is on the rise, and it's almost all comprised of the group you so hate. (That must really aggravate you.) And North American aliyah is uniquely based on ideology - love of the Land, love of the Jew, and love of our Jewish faith - what I suspect you really hate about us. And yes, we have bled with you and for you, and we and our children will continue to do so in ever increasing numbers. Because we love Israel and aspire to be there. If you don't, get out and make more room for us. At least stop lying about us.
Jordan Frankel - Canada
02/17/2006 20:35
Halkin is so very, very astute in pointing out the hypocracies of many in the diaspora. This matter has become one that is so dear to my heart, that I impatiently await my move to Israel in just over a year.

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