Pssst! Got Any Blue Threads?
Got an email asking about my Tekhelet 'dealer':
Shalom Ezra,
BG tells me that you are a holy man who knows how to get holy strings. I aspire to obtain techelet and to find someone who can tie that there aforementioned techlet to my beged katan, Rambam-style. Do you know someone who can help me?
I responded:
The man you want is Assaf Stein (02 997 2269). He lives at the foot of the mountain of Amona and is the greatest Tekhelet dealer I've known. May I recommend Rambam/Teimani, not only due to the reliability of the mesorah (tradition), but because you will never again spend your days tightening your knots instead of building the Land of Israel or any other redemption hastening endeavor you may be engaged in.
Enjoy your blue threads. May they remind you that our sea and the Creator's throne are the same color as your threads. You wear the team's colors. You are neither a blood nor a cryp, a Yankees fan or a Red Sox fan, you ain't even Katom or Kachol (orange or blue, for the color war your people fought instead of a Chanukah-type battle). You are a member of the team.
Welcome. May you enjoy your first recitation of the words our Teacher and Prophet Moshe was told, face to face with the Master of the World:

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Shalom Ezra,
BG tells me that you are a holy man who knows how to get holy strings. I aspire to obtain techelet and to find someone who can tie that there aforementioned techlet to my beged katan, Rambam-style. Do you know someone who can help me?
I responded:
The man you want is Assaf Stein (02 997 2269). He lives at the foot of the mountain of Amona and is the greatest Tekhelet dealer I've known. May I recommend Rambam/Teimani, not only due to the reliability of the mesorah (tradition), but because you will never again spend your days tightening your knots instead of building the Land of Israel or any other redemption hastening endeavor you may be engaged in.
Enjoy your blue threads. May they remind you that our sea and the Creator's throne are the same color as your threads. You wear the team's colors. You are neither a blood nor a cryp, a Yankees fan or a Red Sox fan, you ain't even Katom or Kachol (orange or blue, for the color war your people fought instead of a Chanukah-type battle). You are a member of the team.
Welcome. May you enjoy your first recitation of the words our Teacher and Prophet Moshe was told, face to face with the Master of the World:
"Speak to the Children of Israel and tell them to make tzitzit for the corner of their garments, throughout the generations, and they are to place on each of the tzitzit a thread of Tekhelet. And it shall be Tzitzit for you, that you may see it and remember all the mitzvot of HaShem and perform them."

Or you can click here and do it all online.

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