Our Trip To The US And Back!
Malkah and I have just returned from our trip to the US. It was mostly a family trip, and we were glad for the opportunity to reconnect with our loved ones. When making Aliyah, it is super-important to stay connected with those you left behind (until they too arrive!)
Along the way we had many adventures, miracles, and of course, shopping (we are real Israelis now!). Seeing NYC again gave me perspective about Israel and the Galut. I saw why the US seems so attractive, and why Israel seems so scary from far away.
Yet we did not really leave Israel, rather we were its emissaries, Shluchim of Eretz Yisrael. Wherever I went, people spoke to me about Kumah, Arutz Sheva, and of course, our new Matrix Movie. Everywhere we went, we tried to kindle the spirit of Israel - but without pushing too hard. People can read your face, smell your scent, and know many things with you telling them. Sometime "Shalom Aleichem" says more about Israel than the hard sell.
America and the US are two worlds. When you are in the US you can easily forget about Israel. When you are in Israel you ask yourself what where doing in the US all that time.
Malkah and I are happy to be back home. Yet we were very happy to reconnect with our family in the US, and the chance to help others who are not-yet-here connect to the Miracle of Israel. Enjoy the pics...
The chocolate cow at Ben Gurion says: "I already miss you"

And yet... Here we are - in NYC!

Menorah in the Fire Fighter's store

What do Howard Stern...

...and Rav Meir Kahane have in common? Nothing.

Visiting the grandparents in Florida

Visiting the graves of the Lubavitcher Rebbe and his father-in-law, the 'Previous Rebbe'

Helping my sister move dorms at Columbia

Speaking at Hillside NJ at the home of Jeff and Pam Cohen

Awesome Kumah get-together at J2 Pizza over Hanukkah

Visiting my brother at Yeshiva University

At B&H electronics mega-store in NYC - the store is run by Hassidic Jews

American Jews concerned with Israel - the box reads: "Saving the Nation and the Land"

When will "Sham" (there) turn into "Po" (here)???

The world is fixated on Israel

Back in Ben Gurion - sign reads: "Come quickly home!"

Humus sweet humus - sign reads: "The Taste of Israel Rocks!"
Along the way we had many adventures, miracles, and of course, shopping (we are real Israelis now!). Seeing NYC again gave me perspective about Israel and the Galut. I saw why the US seems so attractive, and why Israel seems so scary from far away.
Yet we did not really leave Israel, rather we were its emissaries, Shluchim of Eretz Yisrael. Wherever I went, people spoke to me about Kumah, Arutz Sheva, and of course, our new Matrix Movie. Everywhere we went, we tried to kindle the spirit of Israel - but without pushing too hard. People can read your face, smell your scent, and know many things with you telling them. Sometime "Shalom Aleichem" says more about Israel than the hard sell.
America and the US are two worlds. When you are in the US you can easily forget about Israel. When you are in Israel you ask yourself what where doing in the US all that time.
Malkah and I are happy to be back home. Yet we were very happy to reconnect with our family in the US, and the chance to help others who are not-yet-here connect to the Miracle of Israel. Enjoy the pics...
The chocolate cow at Ben Gurion says: "I already miss you"
And yet... Here we are - in NYC!
Menorah in the Fire Fighter's store
What do Howard Stern...
...and Rav Meir Kahane have in common? Nothing.
Visiting the grandparents in Florida
Visiting the graves of the Lubavitcher Rebbe and his father-in-law, the 'Previous Rebbe'
Helping my sister move dorms at Columbia
Speaking at Hillside NJ at the home of Jeff and Pam Cohen
Awesome Kumah get-together at J2 Pizza over Hanukkah
Visiting my brother at Yeshiva University
At B&H electronics mega-store in NYC - the store is run by Hassidic Jews
American Jews concerned with Israel - the box reads: "Saving the Nation and the Land"
When will "Sham" (there) turn into "Po" (here)???
The world is fixated on Israel
Back in Ben Gurion - sign reads: "Come quickly home!"
Humus sweet humus - sign reads: "The Taste of Israel Rocks!"

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