Pesach Sheini - the 'Second Pesach' - at the Kotel
Today was Pesach Sheini. But what is Pesach Sheini?
One who was ritually unclean, ta'me, was not allowed to bring and partake of the Korban Pesach, the Paschal Offering. In Bamidbar (Numbers) 9:6-8, we find that a group of people approached Moshe and Aharon at the time the first offering was brought after the exodus. They, because of the fact they were ritually unclean from contact with a corpse, were not able to bring the offering. This group asked Moshe and Aharon "Why are we being prevented to bring the offering with the rest of Israel, in the proper time?' The response from Moshe was "Stand and hear what Hashem has commanded you." Then, the Torah relates the laws concerning Pesach Sheni, an opportunity for all those who missed bringing the Korban Pesach in the proper time through no fault of their own, to bring this offering, and fulfill this special mitzvah. (by Rabbi Yehudah Prero)
There were tons of Bar-Mitzvahs at the Kotel today

Jewish Moms looking on their sons

Beautiful Bukharin Jews

Aliyah to the Torah

The 'Big Shofar' will be sounded soon

Today's Torah reading ended with the word Kommemiyut
Hashem promises to walk us Upright to our Land.
Upright means with pride, with choice.
American Jews who make Aliyah aren't running from anything, they CHOOSE Israel because they want to, because they know it's home.
Kumah, Arise, is the root of Kommemiyut.
Kumah folks are Kommemiyutnikim (Ezra's chiddush) - folks who choose to Arise and to walk uprightly to out Land.
Pesach Sheini represents a second chance - a second Exodus. If you got stuck in the past, if you couldn't break out of the exile for one reason or another, G-d tells you: you have a second chance, you too can break out of the shackles that bind you and Arise and walk upright to your Home.
Got Home? Got Milk and Honey?
One who was ritually unclean, ta'me, was not allowed to bring and partake of the Korban Pesach, the Paschal Offering. In Bamidbar (Numbers) 9:6-8, we find that a group of people approached Moshe and Aharon at the time the first offering was brought after the exodus. They, because of the fact they were ritually unclean from contact with a corpse, were not able to bring the offering. This group asked Moshe and Aharon "Why are we being prevented to bring the offering with the rest of Israel, in the proper time?' The response from Moshe was "Stand and hear what Hashem has commanded you." Then, the Torah relates the laws concerning Pesach Sheni, an opportunity for all those who missed bringing the Korban Pesach in the proper time through no fault of their own, to bring this offering, and fulfill this special mitzvah. (by Rabbi Yehudah Prero)
There were tons of Bar-Mitzvahs at the Kotel today
Jewish Moms looking on their sons
Beautiful Bukharin Jews
Aliyah to the Torah
The 'Big Shofar' will be sounded soon
Today's Torah reading ended with the word Kommemiyut
Hashem promises to walk us Upright to our Land.
Upright means with pride, with choice.
American Jews who make Aliyah aren't running from anything, they CHOOSE Israel because they want to, because they know it's home.
Kumah, Arise, is the root of Kommemiyut.
Kumah folks are Kommemiyutnikim (Ezra's chiddush) - folks who choose to Arise and to walk uprightly to out Land.
Pesach Sheini represents a second chance - a second Exodus. If you got stuck in the past, if you couldn't break out of the exile for one reason or another, G-d tells you: you have a second chance, you too can break out of the shackles that bind you and Arise and walk upright to your Home.
Got Home? Got Milk and Honey?

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