Sendoff/Greet the NBN Olim with Kumah Next Week!

This coming Tuesday, December 28th yet another 200 Olim will be leaving from JFK airport in New York on the first ever winter Nefesh B'Nefesh flight! They are scheduled to arrive Home Wednesday morning, the 29th. We are organizing a Kumah contingent in New York to sendoff the Olim along with another one in Israel to welcome them Home! Join us and be part of the Aliyah Revolution!

If you are in New York and can make it:
1. E-mail Pinchas at Kumah dot Org.
2. If you are driving and can give any lifts let us know where you are coming from.
3. Public Transportation: Take either
- the LIRR to Jamaica Station
- the E, J/Z subways to Sutphin Blvd-Archer Ave, Jamaica Station
- the A subway to Howard Beach/JFK Airport Station
And transfer to the AirTrain ($5). Take the AirTrain to Terminal 4.
(Other options can be found here: )

We expect Olim will be checking in all morning and there will be a press conference/mini ceremony at around Noon. So we'd like to meet at Terminal 4 - El Al Departures - at around 11:30 AM or so. Check back here as we confirm the exact time. This may still change!

I've been there for lots of sendoffs already and it's always really exciting, really emotional, and loads of fun! Hope to see you there!

If you are in Israel:
Those who wish to attend must:
1. Register ONLINE: at
2. AND email if you want to reserve bus space.
3. IMPORTANT NOTE: The bus leaves Binyanei Hauma at 7:30am Wednesday morning. (NOT 8am as previously stated in e-mails.)

Consider the following a personal invitation from Yishai:
You are cordially invited to join us in greeting the 200 new Nefesh'b'Nefesh Olim arriving Wednesday morning the 29th of December. This is NBN's first winter flight, and the majority of the Olim are singles!
There will be a Nefesh'b'Nefesh bus leaving for the airport at 7:30 AM Wednesday - the bus will leave from Binyanei Haumah (Jerusalem International Convention Center).
This is going to be a great day B"H, and I look forward to seeing you all at the airport.

UPDATE: According to confirmed information from NBN, Olim are scheduled to arrive at JFK at 1:30PM on Tuesday (not in the Morning as originally announced by Kumah.)

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