Confused in Israel

From Story 1:
For a city once proud of the co-existence between Arabs and Jews, Lod is like a war zone these days. Police have set up roadblocks throughout the city to crack down on the drug industry. Residents refuse to walk the streets at night, fearing attacks by drug addicts.
But Rosa, who has been the victim of several attacks and robberies, has faith in Deputy Mayor Amil Hadad's plan to fund the evacuation of Jews from her neighborhood of Ramat Eshkol. The plan is what keeps her and the last remaining Jews in the neighborhood optimistic these days.
From Story 2:
In the Katzir case, an Arab couple that lived near the communal settlement petitioned against the rejection of their application to build a home in Katzir. The community in the Galilee was established by the Jewish Agency via the ILA. The court ruled in 2000 that the state could not allocate land based on religion or nationality.
So, to sumarize, it is wrong for the JEWISH Agency of the JEWISH State to allocate land based on religion. But it's good news when Arabs mayors fund the evacuation of Jews from their homes (in pre-1967 Israel, no less). I must admit, now I'm confused too.

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