The Unbreakable Chain
They came out to the streets, from Gush Katif to Jerusalem
They left work early and lined the highways of the Jewish State
At two-minutes to 7 the police had still not closed the intersection...
...So the young men and women of Israel did it for them
We sat down and said 'This will not stand - the nation is strong and full of faith despite our tired leadership'
The sound of Shofrot was heard in the streets of Jerusalem
Rabbi Benny was there...
So was Effie...
A goat came to protest on behalf of the Land of Israel as well...
North American Jewry was there BIG TIME. A busload of Californians came to complete the chain. We invited them to stay.
But the most awesome part of it all was to see the new Olim engage in their first act on behalf of the Land they have come home to. So Cool. Here's an account from one of the many olim chadashim in attendance.
Extensive photography of the event can be found at Jacob Richman's web site.

They left work early and lined the highways of the Jewish State

At two-minutes to 7 the police had still not closed the intersection...

...So the young men and women of Israel did it for them

We sat down and said 'This will not stand - the nation is strong and full of faith despite our tired leadership'

The sound of Shofrot was heard in the streets of Jerusalem

Rabbi Benny was there...

So was Effie...

A goat came to protest on behalf of the Land of Israel as well...

North American Jewry was there BIG TIME. A busload of Californians came to complete the chain. We invited them to stay.

But the most awesome part of it all was to see the new Olim engage in their first act on behalf of the Land they have come home to. So Cool. Here's an account from one of the many olim chadashim in attendance.

Extensive photography of the event can be found at Jacob Richman's web site.

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