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Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Re: Tentative bumper stickers

from the top o my head:

1. Nyu York? Los Anjeloos? Ani maadif yerushalayim
(New York? Los Angeles? I'll Take Jerusalem!)

2. Aliyah m'America Zu HaAtid
(American Aliyah is the Future)

3. Tkumat Aliyah
(Aliyah Revolution)

4. Chibakta Oleh Chadash hayom?
(Have you hugged a new immigrant today?)

5. Shirts: Savlanut b'vakasha, ani oleh chadash(a)
(Patience Please, I'm a new immigrant)

6. Ramallah - Meechaz bilti chuki
(Ramallah is an illegal settlement outpost)

7. Arik! Al tizrok Tzion
(hmm, this one is a racy army pun - lit: Arik, don't throw away Zion)

8. Tnu l'pollard Laalot Artza
(Let Pollard Make Aliyah to Israel!)

9. Lama Hem m'fachadim m'arutz 7?
(Why are they afraid of Arutz 7?)

10. ani mesarev legaresh yehudim.
(I refuse to expel Jews)

That was five minutes worth. This is fun
(feel free to submit suggestions)


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