A Sad Day for Nay-Sayers

I want to apologize to all you Israel nay-sayers out there, this is going to be one irritating post for you.
You know who I'm talking about - those people who get all puckery and condescending, ranting on about the shameful state of affairs in our Jewish State ("it's hardly even Jewish!", they'll say). They pull out crusty old anti-Zionist rationales (that's, like, so 19th century!) and doomsday predictions, and poo-poo the attempts of good folks to get good things done in Israel. It's all a pathetic failure to them.
Well not today! Two articles were posted on Israel National News illustrating just how hard it is to keep a good chosen people down.
The first is about a reflourishing of Zionism at Jerusalem's elite Hebrew University, with a pro-IDF student union and the whole works. Grumbling curmudgeons who swear by the corrupted soul and moral decay of Israelis will have to soothe themselves with the hope that the inspiration of Jewish pride and pro-Israel sentiments won't pass to other institutions of higher learning.
The second, by our own blogger Gil Ronen, is about REALLY cool new developments by the IDF Rabbinate’s Halacha (Jewish Law) and Technology Department, instituted last year to find kosher solutions to Tzahal's operational issues. Some examples in the article include a kosher-for-shabbat car ignition for army jeeps and a special refrigerator-oven for the Israeli Navy. I know, I know - some of you LOVE to hate Israel's army. At least you can always say they helped in the expulsion from Gaza.
Labels: Good News, Humor, IDF, Jewish Pride

At 9:02 PM ,
Zhenia said...
Another piece of a good news is the election of Prof. Menachem
Ben-Sasson as president of Hebrew University. He is one of the world’s top scholars of Jewish history and a believing, kipah wearing Jew. The failure of his one-time-Knesset-member-from-Kadima-experiment only
proves that his real place is in education. As a former student of
his, I can testify to the wealth of his knowledge, his love of Israel, and his belief that our right to the land is rooted in the Tanach. I trust that he will be successful in bringing a new, more Zionist spirit to HU and to all of Israeli academia.
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