The Big Project

Dear Yishai,
This was the response from my friend who moved to New Jersey from Tiverya to your last Blog post... He doesn't sound too impressed....and perhaps he brings up a good point.
"Yes, there are yordim (people who leave Israel) and people who do not make it and I am sure they do their best to discredit the Big Project "
For lack of a better term... words of a pompous fool...
The big project is Hashem and attaching to Hashem, not sacrificing your children and well-being for fulfilling Zionist agenda (not Hashem's aganeda per se)...
Many people have experienced Israel for the good, but just as many have ruined their family by believeing that we must sacrifice everything (including our children!) for the propaganda that right now the only place a Jew can be a Jew is in Israel.
Its not that we didnt "make it" in Israel, its that we made a choice regarding what would be best for our family...
Yishai responds: Sounds pretty angry. And I am sure he had some tough times. But... what a joke... what did he think I meant by the Big Project? The State of Israel is NOTHING BUT A KLI, a vessel, for the G-d's plan to ingather the exiles, the return us to Torah, and to build the Beit Hamikdash - that is the Big Project!
He writes: "Its not that we didnt "make it" in Israel, its that we made a choice regarding what would be best for our family..." Yes, he did what is best for his family, but not best for Hashem or the Jewish people - he is thinking about himself and that is ok, but there is a national calling right now and national thinking is what is needed.
(By the way, why did he move to Tveria - a totally un-American place with no people like him - setting himself up for failure??) In any case, setting up your children in Eretz Yisrael is best for them in the long run.
He also wrote: "Many people have experienced Israel for the good, but just as many have ruined their family by believing that we must sacrifice everything (including our children!) for the propaganda that right now the only place a Jew can be a Jew is in Israel."
Just as many? I don't think so. I think he would like to think so. But absolute numbers speak the whole story: in the 70's there were 3 million Jews here, now there are almost 6 million - doubles in 40 years. Can American Jewry say that? No. The future is here, and ask any economist and he will tell you, the future is not in America. Certainly for a G-d fearing Yid! A Jew can be a Jew anywhere - but not a fullfilled Jew... Just ask Moses what he would have chosen...

At 8:13 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I don't know who the letter writer is but I can say this, we have planned our Aliyah very carefully and have absolutely NO doubt, as a Jew, we will not only make it, but, it will make it possible to live a life as a totally observant Jew which is not possible where we currently live.
We live in Western Pennsylvania so anything that has the United Steelworkers label on it is a 4 letter word as literally hundreds of thousands of people have fled the region over the past 30 years as the entire steel industry collapsed no matter whether it was sheet roller, flat rolled, tubular products, etc. We live within 30 minutes of the Lordstown auto assembly plant, possibly GM's largest and it's just a matter of time for the other shoe to drop on that plant just like Sharon Steel, Youngstown Sheet and Tube, LTV, Jones and Laughlin Steel etc.,etc., ad nauseum. The Rockwell Axle and the Leaf Spring Plant are gone, Mesta Machine, Pennsylvania Engineering and hey, each towns local 'Redevelopment Authorities' which used 'eminent domain' to seize local small businesses which were thriving despite the economic collapse, to 'stimulate' and redevelop downtown businesses themselves misappropriated funds, didn't have any plans, or had plans that were so pie in the sky that they got to phase 1 and then the signs went up....."Coming Soon" and 30 years later, little paint remains to peal off the signs still sitting in empty lots and while public libraries are a nice thing, the internet basically did them in although our local library does provide free internet access for those who haven't figured out how to have Uncle Sam or their local politicians to pay for it.
The future of the United States economy is a lower standard of living, an economy which fails to actually 'produce' much of anything, a much larger share of Gross Domestic Product being eaten up by the Federal, State and Local Governments operating budgets, budgets that would have you in jail if you followed the same accounting lack of standards. Taxpayers also pay substantial funds for retired politicians and gov't employees with many receiving a nice $100,000 plus annual retirement income with ample benefits such as healthcare which the average citizen doesn't see as an annual income at any time in his/her life. Many, if not a majority of Americans still believe, seriously, they do, that there is a 'Social Security Trust Fund' a 'Liquid Fuels Highway Trust Fund' and even a 'lockbox' and don't realize that the politicians, from both parties, SPENT every last lincoln cent, this being the 200th anniversary of that truly GREAT president's birth, leaving nothing but IOU's which when you could get 10% or more on a CD during the dismal Carter years, currently, the worst economic record in the last 50 years when unemployment soared into double digits as it is in at least 5 States including California, once a hot, growing economy, now, a place folks are fleeing from due to taxation, a $40 plus billion budget shortfall, and an open invitation to every illegal alien, parasite, pedophile and sexual deviant to relocate there, especially Sodom Francisco, which 'prides' itself with it's outpouring of 'human rights.' As long as you aren't a hardworking, American taxpayer, you're welcome in the Bay area. As for Silicon Valley, it's days are behind it with India and Israel actually blowing the doors off that once promising area of American ingenuity. The educational system in the United States has gone from educating to brainwashing children with the assistance of the mass media, mainstream news, and networks with shows that push an agenda rather than the truth. History has become a subject which the Founding Fathers were racist, slave holders who oppressed women, and we were guilty of dropping the atomic bomb in WWII which while very deadly, most likely saved quite a few American and actually, Japanese lives in the long run.
The United States has become a land where the fire under the 'melting pot' was put out by the Politically Correct Firemen (not real firefighters, an admirable group of men/women) who have made their 'multicultural, ethnically diverse, secular humanist' agenda the number one issue using tactics like 'global warming' (now called Climate Change' duh, like the climate stays the same for millions of years let alone a decade) and Israel bashing all the while taking hard working taxpayer funds to bail out a company like AIG, currently at $180 billion, larger than the entire Savings and Loan Bailout of the 90s, then whine about the bonuses, taking the spotlight off their own political futures as they are working hard for the people, cough, cough, but don't mention a word that some of these funds have gone to fund the newest type of banking in the United States, Sharia Banks, yes, coming to a town near you and already there if you're in Minnesota or Michigan and other states. While the people in a majority of states have voted to amend their State Constitutions to BAN homosexual marriage, the homosexual lobby is paying a high price to the left wing lunatics in gov't to push their agenda and tie up the courts with lawsuits. We have a President who instead of simply paying $10 for a State Certified copy of his Birth Certificate, has spent untold sums to keep both it and any record of his college admission documents secret so the American people have no idea whether he was or is Constitutionally even allowed to have run or serve as President of the Nation. We really don't know the situation as he only speaks from pre-scripted , well written speeches from the teleprompter which he keeps close by as he sounds like Joe Biden without it. The Republicans are no better as they spent money like it wasn't their own, but, then again, it wasn't, it was OURS. There was no REAL SURPLUS if you included off budget items and as far as the 'real estate collapse,' the 2 Senior politicians in charge of overseeing it from the legislature, the House and Senate, Barney 'callboy' Frank and Chris 'i get a special rate on my loan' Dodd also the ones screaming about AIG bonuses, were the two politicians DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the banks making loans with no down payments, no income verification, and no credit check of any kind by using strong arm tactics due to their positions as powerful Chairmen of the House and Senate Banking and Finance Committees. We have a tax cheat as the Treasury Secretary who oversees the IRS and President Obama, who vowed 'no lobbyists would work in his administration' quickly invented a 'waiver' because the lobbyists he hired were obviously the best qualified and actually, the only qualified people for the jobs they were hired for. All this as they have run up over $10 trillion to bail out an economy with a $14 trillion GDP. The economy also faces $1.28 quadrillion in 'derivatives' at 95% margin (credit) if you wonder what's tying up liquidity and that shoe has yet to drop.
The US will soon openly play it's new position on Israel and frankly, the Jewish people in general. While I might be slammed by the 78% of left wing Jews who supported Obama and the democrat party, they and the remainder of the 'tolerance' crowd, the most INTOLERANT group of people since the 30s will most likely fight in the streets to get whatever the gov't will offer to turn in their observant Jewish neighbors so they can be safely offered work opportunities at the local FEMA camp set up for 'their' protection from an angry citizenry upset that these same Jews, who we know control the media, banks, and all business and 'caused' the economic collapse, like Madoff (while they rarely mention Sir J. Alan Stanford, currently only at $8 billion ripped off but not charged and not a Jew) and before slamming me about conspiracy theories and FEMA camps, there are 2 such camps located within an hour of my home, quite a lot of activity going on at both for supposedly 'closed' former military bases, closed in the 90s during the BRAC program to save tax dollars. The military has actually begun to take steps to assure that the best qualified young volunteers in our armed forces don't re-up by cutting all bonuses and now suggesting that our fighting forces pay their own medical bills when injured, can you even believe the nerve of even proposing such an idea? It makes me think of a book whose title, 'Liberal Fascist' is where America is heading. But, have no fear, Congressman Charley 'i live in a rent subsidized apartment and have 3 others for my use in NYC, my district in Harlem' Rangel, Chairman of the powerful Appropriations Committee in the House, currently under criminal and an ethics investigation. This guy is the driving force behind putting the 'draft' back in place. But have no fear, every stadium, college, high school, any public building where HaShem is banned will have everything needed to meet the needs of the people of the islamic faith. They kill Americans and threaten and kill Jews and THEY receive the protection, the special legislative protection and special rights afforded to NO other citizens under the Constitution, I forgot, illegal aliens also qualify, unless Jewish.
I'm glad I'm coming to Israel, no, I'm grateful that Aliyah exists and that I discovered it before it is too late. Well informed sources say the window, I should say door, like the one that slammed shut on 9/12/01, less than 8 years ago, will close again in 12 to 36 months. I'm sorry I couldn't give a more definite time frame but, it depends how quickly the current 'Tea Party's' turn nasty. UN and NATO troops will have no problem doing what American troops are asked on a form when signing up to join a branch of the armed forces, the question I left blank on the Army form asking if I would shoot an American citizen if ordered to do so, you know, just follow orders.
The college campuses have become a hostile environment for Jewish students and we even have a town in Michigan where the 'call to prayer' is blared throughout the city over loudspeakers There's so much more but I've already wrote a short story we could call America, It's Near Term Future, but, people who disagree will say 'the big mouth is a conspiracy nut who doesn't know what he's talking about,' those who know will say 'but what can we do?,' and the majority of people will like most cattle, be led around by lying politicians who are out of control except when it comes to controlling the American people. All I know is if you are a Jew, one of the 22% that didn't vote for the current occupant of the White House, even limited to the outright Jew haters, self-hating Jews, and anti-semites, well, I'd be at filling out the forms, or making my 'pilot trip' and getting a hold of the Jewish Agency to get out and at least join your brothers and sisters in Israel as it will need defending also and while it is a beautiful Nation, it certainly has it's share of political problems and could use a good cleanser, of those who would 'ethnically cleanse' any more Jews from our G-d given land as detailed in the oldest deed to property in existence, the Torah.
By the way, while I've made my livelihood in investment banking, I've also founded or co-founded more than 3 companies, been listed in several Who's Who's, will be the subject of an upcoming 'feature' in the Financial Times of London, and found my way back to HaShem as I was a far from perfect Jew, and am working hard to be not only the best person and Jew I can be, but, stay a simple, fun loving person who gave up the American Treasure Hunt for a far better lifestyle, Derech HaShem.
Oh yes, I am an economist, Cornell University, '75.
At 6:56 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Brother, you have plenty of Light.
Thanks for taking the time to share.
Meet you in E"Y. B"H "Those Everlasting Gates" are slowing lifting upward.
At 1:24 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Very well said, and an appropriate response as well.
At 3:20 AM ,
BritGirl said...
Some very large writing is on the proverbial wall for us Yids - things are also getting hotter for Jews in England and I'm urging all Jews I know (including a left-wing family that doesn't think there's a threat in Europe) to head for Israel in the next few years. Everyone thinks I'm insane but all the signs of impending trouble for us are there. Good luck to Rob, you've made the right decision. Those who bury their heads and prefer an easy life will soon find that they may have no life ahead of them.
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