Moshe's Nanny is a Mumbai Humanitarian Rights Worker, she has saved a "Jewish Life". B"H.
Rabie, from yesterday's video post titled "Yishai on Al Jazeer" who remained bold faced when he sheepishly declared he represents himself as a "Human Rights Campaigner", here's the questions, we all asked ourselves:
Where are the "Jewish Humans" they saved?
Rabie, did you save even one?
Where's your list? Do you have one?
Do you risk life and limb to save "Humans" even if they are "Jewish"?
The Nanny displayed more bravery than all of your statements combined - she did save a life without questioning - can you or yours claim the same?
Proudly stating several times "International Law" doesn't cut it - when you don't have a leg to stand one, and 'you and yours' are messengers of evil who behave without any adherence to all the "Justice and Laws" of decent Civilized Human Beings.
You are at war with HaShem, and you are going "down" back to the Fiery Pit after all is said and done.
Rabie, can't come out into the LIGHT? We all know that you are sealed darkness, that's why there is no light in your eyes.
Yishai, your eyes glowed brightly and your performance was brilliant. You didn't allow either of them to "push you around" by misleading questions.
Yishai, should Al Jazeera invite you back, give them more of the same by taking out the Torah's "sword" of Justice. Pierce their unjust statements (Lies) with the truth and give them no rest or breath to spew more lies.
Sending you our prayers for your success in dealing with Esav's angel and the sun is soon rising on the horizon.
At 8:52 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Moshe's Nanny is a Mumbai Humanitarian Rights Worker, she has saved a "Jewish Life". B"H.
Rabie, from yesterday's video post titled "Yishai on Al Jazeer" who remained bold faced when he sheepishly declared he represents himself as a "Human Rights Campaigner", here's the questions, we all asked ourselves:
Where are the "Jewish Humans" they saved?
Rabie, did you save even one?
Where's your list? Do you have one?
Do you risk life and limb to save "Humans" even if they are "Jewish"?
The Nanny displayed more bravery than all of your statements combined - she did save a life without questioning - can you or yours claim the same?
Proudly stating several times "International Law" doesn't cut it - when you don't have a leg to stand one, and 'you and yours' are messengers of evil who behave without any adherence to all the "Justice and Laws" of decent Civilized Human Beings.
You are at war with HaShem, and you are going "down" back to the Fiery Pit after all is said and done.
Rabie, can't come out into the LIGHT? We all know that you are sealed darkness, that's why there is no light in your eyes.
Yishai, your eyes glowed brightly and your performance was brilliant. You didn't allow either of them to "push you around" by misleading questions.
Yishai, should Al Jazeera invite you back, give them more of the same by taking out the Torah's "sword" of Justice. Pierce their unjust statements (Lies) with the truth and give them no rest or breath to spew more lies.
Sending you our prayers for your success in dealing with Esav's angel and the sun is soon rising on the horizon.
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