What Will It Take?

Dear Yishai,
I realize there are lots of American Jews that live in the U.S. that support Israel in a lot of substantive ways. There also seem to be a lot of American Jews that don't care. Period. Just don't care. Which brings me to a thought...but there needs to be a digression and I hope you don't mind.
I am literally the only full time staff person at the library where I work who is Jewish. My supervisor once wondered about my connection to Israel. I told her, and it's true that if the anti-Semitism ever got to be as bad in the U.S. as it is in Europe that I would feel unsafe. I would have to leave and come to Israel. That seemed to take care of whatever concern was driving my supervisor's question. I could have copped out I suppose and pointed out my elderly parents who would be unable to survive the move to Israel or my mortgage or my age (I'm 53 just recently), but the right "spin" to put on my answer to my supervisor's comment seemed to be the way I answered (you'd have to know the supervisor to understand that last).
My thought though is that what about American Jews? What would it take for them to say, "Hey we may have comfortable lives here, but enough is enough!" and then make aliyah...en masse??? I'm not just talking about traditional Jews or Chabadniks or the Satmarim, but the reform Jews who live in Bloomfield Township in their million dollar houses. The ones who have intermarried and drag their bored or acting out children to "Sunday school." Who join a shul just long enough for the bar or bat mitzvah and "confirmation." What would it take, I wonder, to get them off their duffs and on to a NBN plane?
Just a few thoughts...and a question that I think is worth exploring...

At 8:02 PM ,
Anonymous said...
As a librarian in San Francisco, I am shocked by this OU farce. The costs of living in San Francisco is not much less than life in New York and there is *not* an "Emerging Jewish Community" in this city. As a far-leftist city, the Anti-Israel sentiment is emerging much faster.
I am planning my pilot trip for November of this year and will make Aliyah next year.
Get out of NY and SF and go home.
At 12:51 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I think that the OU, besides it's internal politics, needs to try and play the fence. They encourage aliyah, are trying to make a stronger impact in Israel, yet might want to try and keep nurturing a financial base in 'America'.
Frankly, I don't think that human nature can admit on a public level that 'now is the time to leave galut'. We know that that call always comes too late anyway.
At 7:09 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I think this is an idea worth considering....
how about kumah approaches the OU with a last minute application for participation in the showcase and represent Jerusalem? Tell them that you sincerely want to have a booth for Jerusalem the same way other representatives from New Orleans (lived there- do NOT move there if you are a Jew) or San Fran will have booths. If they accept you then all the better, if not, then you have exposed them for what they are and you reserve every right to inform all concerned media outlets of their rejection.
At 3:37 PM ,
Risa Tzohar said...
What will it take? Nothing. It will not happen.
In the meantime the OU is doing what it can to encourage the Jews remaining in the US not to loose their Jewish commitment. This is not a small thing.
Of course we'd like to see everyone Orthodox and otherwise) here in Israel with us, but if that's not happening then the least that we can hope for is that the Jewish communities remain strong in their commitment to Judaism.
...Then maybe in the next generation...
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