Kick Shas' Fax

Here are the fax numbers of the Shas Knesset members. Thanks to their continued participation in the Olmert coalition, we all get to enjoy the painful, sluggish path downward that is comprised of unchecked rocket attacks, threats against Jewish communities, mass releases of convicted terrorists, and various other acts bespeaking corruption and soul sickness.
I hope that you will take 5 minutes, pick three (or more) of these people, and make it your mission to show them that their presence in the government has not gone unnoticed, and that it is not looked upon favorably by potential voters and their friends.
For you, it's 5 minutes. For Israel, it's the future.
I am writing the numbers with the international dialing code at the beginning, for all of you in the exile who are desperate to be involved in what's going on in Israel. For those of you already here, you already know how to dial.
Avraham Michaeli - 011-972-2-675-3961
Eli Yishai - 011-972-2-6662923
Amnon Cohen 011-972-2-640-8927
Ariel Atias - 011-972-2-562-1599
David Azoulay - 011-972-2-675-3908
Chaim Amsalem - 011-972-2-649-6527
Yaakov Margi - 011-972-2-675-3759
Yitzchak Cohen - 011-972-2-531-1308
Meshualam Nahari - 011-972-2-569-5360
Nissim Ze'ev - 011-972-2-649-6549
Roi Lachmanovitch - 011-972-2-666-6209
Shlomo Benizri - 011-972-2-675-3747
Yitzchak Vaknin- 011-972-2-649-6079

At 11:03 AM ,
Malkah said...
By the way, we would love to hear if you actually did it - leave a comment here, saying if you sent faxes, how many, and to whom.
Don't forget, people - you can send faxes more than once - you can do it every day, every week, even every few hours! If we don't put the pressure on Shas to leave, we can't complain when they don't do it, no matter how obvious it should already be to them...
At 11:43 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I really don't know who to believe. We heard that the 'torah sages' directing Shas publicized that they should leave the government even if J-m is only being discussed. It was already known (open secret) that negotiations had already started with the Arabs.
Anyway, from week to week, the open secret is less easy to hide, and Shas staying in the government is a joke. BUT, last night I heard that Rav Ovadia does not want Shas to leave now because he thinks the negotiations won't go anywhere anyways, but this morning, it was publicized that his son says that Shas are publicly going against the 'torah sages' - and we know that this son would never say anything opposing his father.
So, since I don't vote Shas anyway, and don't think that they care what I, an Ashkenazi of all things, feels, I think I'll refrain from calling them up or sending them a fax.
On the other hand, I am tempted to follow Malkah's call, to simply remind them to clean their hearts and do what is right for the Jewish people in Israel and the world.
At 6:48 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I just faxed MK Michaeli, but I tried to fax MK Attias (Ariel Atias - 011-972-2-562-1599) and got "your call cannot be completed as dialed.") Think there's something wrong with this number? Thank you for posting these numbers and making it very easy to do. This is the third fax I've sent this week. Others were to MK Yishai and the MK whose office Yishai called one morning. I hope I'm not the only one. All the best, Ellen
At 2:27 PM ,
Pinchas said...
Honorable MK Eli Yishai,
Per my email below I never received a reply. I would just like to
inform Shas that after watching the news since I last emailed you and
seeing NO action (just empty talk) from Shas I have decided NOT to
vote for Shas in the next election like I did last time. It appears to
me that UTJ has more fear of G-d and less fear of losing their seats
in the Knesset than Shas does and would better represent the Torah.
Please inform HaRav Yosef, Shlita of the truth that is going on with
Yerushalayim, for the Rav is G-d fearing and would certainly agree
with the Daas Torah of the UTJ Torah Sages if he was informed of the truth.
My decision not to vote again for Shas hurts me, but I feel is
necessary for Hashem, Torah and Yerushalayim.
With Blessings,
Pinchas Orbach
At 9:35 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Found this on an A-7 talkback:
7. e-mail addresses E-Mail Shas MKs EVERY Day
Linda Rivera, New York (18/02/08)
Tell them:
PREVENT A SECOND HOLOCAUST. Leave the government now.,,,,,,,,,,,
Maybe you wanna post this somewhere like you did the fax numbers. Best, Ellen
At 10:06 PM ,
Malkah said...
Shalom! First, I would like to commend those of you who have been in touch with me, notifying me of your continual faxes to Shas - I wonder what life is like in the office for them now! Good for you, ladies and gentlemen - keep up the good work (for those of you who have not sent at least one fax yet, unfortunately, it is not too late, as Shas continues to sit in the government).
Ellen, thank you for posting the e-mails. I'll tell you a little secret, though - I left them out on purpose. When I worked on Capitol Hill, I worked for a congressman in exactly this arena - answering constituent correspondence. E-mail was important to my congressman, because it meant votes - letters and faxes were important to him, too.
But in Israel, correspondence takes on a different importance. In my opinion, it makes little difference for a Shas member to receive an e-mail, because he can simply hit 'delete', chucking your e-mail in the same heap as the "I'm 21 and bored" and "make your wife happy now" e-mails. He doesn't handle all correspondence with care and concern, because he doesn't have to - who the hell are you? In his opinion, he owes you nothing, because you have no power to dethrone him. Or so he thinks.
But faxes and letters are different. They take time, energy, and office resources to handle. It's not like a computer that can receive 50 e-mails at once - a fax machine takes faxes one at a time. You clog that thing up with your opinionated e-mails, and they HAVE to notice.
For the record, I HAVE seen a successful e-mail campaign during my short tenure as an activist, though only one. When Yishai and I wanted to bar Desmond Tutu from receiving a peace award at our law school (we're not so into people who make statements to the effect of 'the Jews exploit the Holocaust', and suggesting that Jewish lobbies manipulate the world), we hit the internet in protest, publicizing the e-mail address of the dean, who received a massive response from the Jewish public. He didn't cancel the event, but he altered it to such a degree that our views were heard and Tutu's true face was exposed.
If you want to supplement your fax campaign by e-mailing a Shas member, go for it. But I personally recommend that everyone continue writing faxes.
At 12:20 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Malka, I agree with your point. Faxes are objects, and you have to see and deal with them. (My kids took my all-in-one-printer day before yesterday, the one that faxes, no kidding.) Feel free to delete my earlier post, or the email addresses if you want. Best, Ellen
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