Message to HappyJoel - When You Make Aliyah You Will Sing a Different Tune
I saw half of your video (see warning below), man, and I hope you are having fun blowing smoke up the Christian folks', ummm, toes.
Maybe I should have seen the light side of it, but to me it looked like you just want to get on the good side of the folks in power at the expense of your home team. Which is really the essence of being a galut Jew.
Notice: contains obscenities. And like I said, I only watched half, so be careful.
Maybe I should have seen the light side of it, but to me it looked like you just want to get on the good side of the folks in power at the expense of your home team. Which is really the essence of being a galut Jew.
Notice: contains obscenities. And like I said, I only watched half, so be careful.

At 12:52 AM ,
Aaron Amihud said...
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At 7:41 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I didn't find your title offensive, but I found the video inoffensive too. It was all in fun, and I'm sure your Jewish identity is strong enough to take a little poke without crumbling. If HappyJoel makes aliyah, you can welcome him with a sprig of mistletoe in your back pocket.
At 7:54 AM ,
גיל רונן said...
OK I changed it.
At 8:12 AM ,
גיל רונן said...
However, Aaron, I have an instinctive aversion to "Israel needs HappyJoel more than HappyJoel needs Israel."
Maybe you can explain that? I really want you to teach me that kind of humility, right now it feels wrong to me.
At 4:55 PM ,
Anonymous said...
wow, that was wierd. we celebrated Chanakah this year w/ the menorah I bought on Ben Yehuda Street. Even though I was ill w/ fever,as a Catholic I'm used to doing things I don't feel like , so I faithfully cleaned the menorah each day and set up the lap top with the prayers from a Rabbi to light the candles. The whole experience really blessed us. We will do it every year. I know my Jewish brothers and sisters are stand-offish at first and maybe even a little crusty but once you get past that, ya'll have a soft heart. oh, and BTW, the Nativity is just a Jewish family. judith
At 5:29 PM ,
Aaron Amihud said...
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At 9:28 AM ,
גיל רונן said...
Believe it or not I once spoke for a few minutes with the now comatose Ariel Sharon (in 2000, about a plan of mine to buy a house in Arab Wadi Ara and put Jews in it).
He said that it was always a minority that fought, even in 1948, despite popular belief to the contrary. And that the fighters today are the mitnachalim and that is that.
At 9:29 AM ,
גיל רונן said...
I guess I am too far removed from the U.S. now to be able to think in terms of "which holiday is superior, Christmas or Chanukah."
At 12:49 PM ,
Aaron Amihud said...
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