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Friday, March 09, 2007

Huge 2 Day, 3 City, Purim Photo Essay including Eclipse!

This is a really long photo essay. Here are 60 pictures from: a few days before Purim around Yerushalayim, Purim night in Ramat Beit Shemesh, a concert in Yerushalayim, the total lunar eclipse, Purim day Seudah by a friend near Bar Ilan University, Purim night in Yerushalayim at Machon Lev, and Purim day in Givat Mordechai and Har Nof. Enjoy!

Yerushalayim on Wednesday, 10 Adar, Feb 28
Girls in costumes even before Purim, 1 was dressed as a laundry machine

Stores all around the Shuk were selling costumes

A candy store in the Shuk was selling packaged Mishloach Manot

Colored hair even a few days early

Angels Bakery across the street from the Shuk was in the Purim spirit

Israelis tend to like America, even when choosing Purim costumes

Kohen Gadol costumes for sale

Dressed up, running toward the bus...

... which they took to Sha'arei Tzedek Hospital to bring some pre-Purim joy!

Purim Night in Ramat Beit Shemesh

My friend dressed as a terrorist, his French wife as an American, and his daughter as a butterfly.

Kids were throwing fire crackers, and other such really loud noise makers, in the street.

A concert in Yerushalayim that featured Naftali Abramson and his band, among others

During the night, there was a total lunar eclipse

Full moon before eclipse

Full moon during eclipse

Seudat Purim at an apartment near Bar Ilan University


My friend, Ilya, who hosted the seudah

Waldo, from "Where's Waldo?", was a popular costume (above and below)

Purim night in Yerushalayim at Machon Lev - Jerusalem College of Technology

Purim Day around my neighborhood, Givat Mordechai

I'm on the left, next to my friend Moshe (thanks to his wife for taking this picture)

First Seudah - at my friend's house

The baby really wanted the wine

My friends who made the seudah

On and From the Bus to Har Nof

Har Nof, where I went for my 2nd Seudah

Dressed up kids watch the craziness on the street from their window

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  • At 8:47 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    yeah, awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):)


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