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Monday, March 26, 2007

Finally, some hard core media coverage...

Hey all, life has been a little hectic, jet blue and FedEx lost my luggage, but that's for another post. Now about the Truth of Radical Muslims ( which we all KNOW already, but now its on CBS so Woo Hoo!!!)

I just read this, which can also be WATCHED, and I am amazed that it is getting such nice media coverage.

The gist is about a look into the inner workings of the global jihad system, especially in London and how they used the British Government to enhance their terrorist training and activities. 60 Minutes correspondent Bob Simon interviews Hassan Butt who states "There is a violent streak within Islam. We need to be able to discuss and counter these arguments so that we don't have any more Mohammad Sadique Khans." Its quite informative, and semi reassuring that some people might be coming to their senses ( but I'm not getting all jumpy yet)

Anyhow enjoy, have a good one and DFTSS :-)

~ Shulamit

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  • At 12:48 PM , Blogger Pinchas said...

    CBS and Bob Simon are well know Soneh Yisrael. The key word is that only "Radical Islam" is violent, but most Arabs are peace loving people. It is liberal media propaganda designed to convince you (as you quote) there only is a "violent streak within Islam" when in fact in is not a streak at all but a substantial portion of the religion.

  • At 12:05 AM , Blogger ewelambb10 said...

    In spite of the worlds agenda there
    are a lot of people who are aware of the truth out here, and they are praying for The land and the People of Israel. We have our eyes, ears and mouths open, it is not like in WWII.

    Am Israel Chai,



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