Kummunique - Kumah's Shabbat and Holiday Bulletin
Issue 38 "RE'EH" 5766
Shalom! We are proud to present another issue of Kummunique.
I'm sorry that there has not been a Kummunique in the past two weeks - but due to the hostilities in the north, I was drafted into emegency IDF reserve duty. The day after I was released, the landing of three NBN planes took place and I got up early to be there as well! This issue is dedicated to the brave soldiers who fought to protect Israel, and those new Olim who took advantage of their sacrifice to make Israel their home.
In this issue you will find:
1. "Three Planes of Jewish Immigrants From Canada, US & UK Arrive" by Ezra HaLevi
2. "Why Leave The UK For This?" by Dominic Casciani
3. "Soldier Fights For Family's Aliya" by Hilary Leila Kreeger
4. "Aliyah to Carmiel!" by Tony Woodward
Check it all out at the KUMMUNIQUE HOME
Three immigrant flights arrive simultaneously in Israel! Israel National Radio was there to cover it LIVE!!!

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