The Aliyah Revolution

So there has been some discussion on the blog regarding whether or not the revolution has begun. But what is a "revolution" anyway? Merriam-Webster offers several definitions.
2a : a sudden, radical, or complete change
This should be an ultimate goal of the Jewish People. Mass Aliyah today! Indeed Nefesh B'Nefesh went from one planeload of olim in 2002, to over three planeloads in 2003. How many more olim will be going with NBN this year?
But there is another kind of revolution. A kind that is easily overlooked.
2d : a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something : a change of paradigm {the Copernican revolution}
The example used - the Copernican revolution, when society changed its view of the Earth as the center of the universe - is particularly apt. Similarly Rabbi Gold discussed how despite its affluence and thriving communities history does not view Babylon as the center of Jewish life during the 600 years of the Second Commonwealth (the period of the Second Beit Hamikdash [Temple] ). Bare in mind that the vast majority of Jews did not live in Israel then. Only the "lowest of the low, the dregs of Jewish Society" resided there. All the wealthy and scholarly Jews lived in Babylon. Yet it is only well after the failure of the Bar Kochba Rebellion and the completion of Mishna in around the year 200 C.E. that we first start hearing about Jewish life in Babylon. As far as the Second Commonwealth goes "babylonian Jewry lived on the fringes of Jewish History." History was written in Israel. This was true then and it is true today.
We all know that favorite little mountain of ours which the Jewish World revolves around. And it's not anywhere in the U.S.A. - or even Canada. ( Hint. )
So in this sense the Aliyah Revolution has not only begun - it is well on its way! You don't believe me? Just go and ask any non-Jew where Jewish History is being written today. Yet oddly enough - not all us Jews live our lives focused around Jerusalem - or more specifically focused around getting home. And yes, when our last KUMAH event gets a packed crowd the night before final exams - that's a very good start. And when a Tehilla event fills up - with people asking real questions about real mortgages to buy real homes in Israel, it's even better! It's not just talk - it's happening. We ARE well on our way.
Yet, this Aliyah Revolution will be complete only when all Jews live by Rav Nachman of Breslov's famous words "Wherever I go - I am going to Eretz Yisrael!"
Interestingly, Merriam-Webster also gives another definition for "Revolution."
2e : a changeover in use or preference especially in technology {the computer revolution} {the foreign car revolution}
This got me thinking of a new pin or bumper sticker
"I'd rather be in Israel."
Lag B'omer Samayach!

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