Happy Chanuka!
Just a quick post to say happy Chanuka to our readers!
When we pray for sick people, or people in need, we say, "...v'yotziem me'afela l'ora umishi'bud l'geula" - we ask God to take us out from darkness to light, and from captivity to redemption. The double phrase implies a parallel between each matching pair. Captivity is likened to darkness, and redemption to light. The nice thing about light is that a little light i a dark room spreads to the whole room. That's why we use just a little light to do "pirsumei nisa," spreading the word about God's miracle on Chanuka, that of the redemption from persecution of the Jewish people in our land, at the time of the Macabees.
May the little light that we light tonight spread the message of God's redemption of the Jewish people, both old and new ("bayamim haheim, bazeman hazeh"), and may the little light that we are able to spread in our own lives light up the whole world!
Chanuka Sameach!
When we pray for sick people, or people in need, we say, "...v'yotziem me'afela l'ora umishi'bud l'geula" - we ask God to take us out from darkness to light, and from captivity to redemption. The double phrase implies a parallel between each matching pair. Captivity is likened to darkness, and redemption to light. The nice thing about light is that a little light i a dark room spreads to the whole room. That's why we use just a little light to do "pirsumei nisa," spreading the word about God's miracle on Chanuka, that of the redemption from persecution of the Jewish people in our land, at the time of the Macabees.
May the little light that we light tonight spread the message of God's redemption of the Jewish people, both old and new ("bayamim haheim, bazeman hazeh"), and may the little light that we are able to spread in our own lives light up the whole world!
Chanuka Sameach!

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