Erev Yom Kippur and Jews Keep Living
A few hours ago, right after Shabbat, I learned that a suicide mission had been carried out in Haifa. Jews are dead again.
A half hour later I was out on the streets of Crown Heights, I swung a chicken over my head 9 times while chanting repentance prayers. I brought my chicken to the shochet, and he cut its throat and then spilled its blood on some dirt. I made a blessing and covered my chicken's blood.
You know what? I felt so much better after that, because instead of that sick feeling we Jews get these days when we can't do anything about the horror all around us and we just move to the next topic 15 minutes after finding out about another attack - I felt that a little bit of my blood was spilled and that I took part in the pain of Israel though I was still in the Galut.
I know in my heart that more self-sacrifice on our part will save us Jews from more unholy sacrifices offered by the suicide bombers.
This year, may G-d forgive us for our apathy and may He give us strength to do so much more. May He avenge our blood and may He inscribe all of us in the Book of Life.
May we, with our own fleshy eyes, merit to witness the Third Holy Temple stand in Jerusalem, where we will offer our beautiful sacrifices and prayers and greet the face of Mashiach with joy.
A half hour later I was out on the streets of Crown Heights, I swung a chicken over my head 9 times while chanting repentance prayers. I brought my chicken to the shochet, and he cut its throat and then spilled its blood on some dirt. I made a blessing and covered my chicken's blood.
You know what? I felt so much better after that, because instead of that sick feeling we Jews get these days when we can't do anything about the horror all around us and we just move to the next topic 15 minutes after finding out about another attack - I felt that a little bit of my blood was spilled and that I took part in the pain of Israel though I was still in the Galut.
I know in my heart that more self-sacrifice on our part will save us Jews from more unholy sacrifices offered by the suicide bombers.
This year, may G-d forgive us for our apathy and may He give us strength to do so much more. May He avenge our blood and may He inscribe all of us in the Book of Life.
May we, with our own fleshy eyes, merit to witness the Third Holy Temple stand in Jerusalem, where we will offer our beautiful sacrifices and prayers and greet the face of Mashiach with joy.

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